Friday, December 16, 2022 6:56 am
Funmi Peter-Omale
A lot of people are struggling with all sorts of issues, things and everyday life decisions.
With all the attention being beamed on the importance of mental wellbeing and the continuous campaigns, a lot of people still find it difficult to speak to others or seek professional support if or when they struggle.
The absolute truth is though there’s nothing to be ashamed or scared about, people struggling with their feelings and mental wellbeing have imaginary barriers and stumbling blocks stopping them from speaking out. Or they are too proud to admit they need help.
However, their immediate family and friends can easily pick on the telltale signs, when someone is just at the brink of self harming or hurting themselves.
If you know or notice changes in a loved one, please show them more love. Spend time with them, take time to listen to verbal and non verbal cues, sacrifice a bit of your time showing interest in what they are saying, not saying and doing.
Let me tell you. There’s always a cry for help. And it’s not loud, may not even be audible, or easily visible.
But it’s always there.
Nobody, rich or poor, religious or spiritual, young or old, jobless or working, man or woman, young or old; none of us has immunity against depression. Be it clinical or mild. Or occasional or seasonal.
Depression can set in or be triggered by the most mundane issues. It could be triggered by the most insane or most unrealistic thing.
Depression doesn’t set out a time table, it doesn’t come with warning, and definitely doesn’t choose who it is gonna afflict.
The happiest, most jovial, most beautiful, hardest working, richest, most outgoing, the funniest, the most well dressed and stylish, the person with the biggest smiles, loudest laughs and outgoing personality can all be “secretly” battling depressive episodes.
Millions are left or have not been diagnosed. They are not on medications to help them cope. Some that are diagnosed and are on medications, have their episodes exercabted because of the unfortunate side effects of medications….
The lists, the narratives, the conversations are endless.
Our society today is selfishly pursuing personal happiness, fun and gratification, so much so we hardly notice those ones among and around us that are laughing or playing with us but deep down are hatching secret plans to end it all.
Most of us are quick to judge and condemn, using the religious and self righteous cards.
Depression is not a “one cap fits all” kinda thing. It varies on a case to case basis. No two situations are the same.
The reality is, we are all humans, we all have feelings, have things going on in our lives and definitely have different ways and mean of coping. A lot of us don’t cope well at all, and will only want to “quietly” step out of sticky situations.
They love their family so much, they’d believe them being out of the picture is the best for them and their families. It’s only after they are gone and too late, that we on this side lament and regret not doing enough for them.
Times are hard. Economy is bad, money in the pocket is small. But the love, compassion and light in your heart is more than enough to share hope, kindness, time and attention on others.
Please, don’t wait until you get the news someone has passed before you appreciate them, ring or text or simply asking a probing “how are you” and listening to what they say.
Let our humanity shine bright light into the lives of others.
If you’re out there, reading this, need support, someone to talk to, a stranger that will not judge you or laugh at you or talk you down, please reach out.
Send me an inbox message let’s talk anonymously. I’ll listen and will not judge you. I’ll sign post you to relevant organisations that can help and support you with coping mechanisms for your mental wellbeing.
You’re not alone and there are people who love and care for you. Nothing to be ashamed of.
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