2019: Police cautions against political thuggery, violence

2019: Police cautions against political thuggery, violence

Tuesday, October 16, 2018 10:59 am

The Cross River Police Command has warned politicians and party supporters against thuggery during the 2019 general elections, the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports.
The State Commissioner of Police, Mr Hafiz Inuwa, gave the warning on Tuesday in an interview with the NAN in Calabar.
Inuwa explained that the warning became necessary following the commitment of the Nigeria police in ensuring a crisis free 2019 polls in the country.
According to him, the police will arrest and charge to court any politician or youth caught perpetrating violence.
He said that the police will not fold its hands and watch any politician or group of youths carry arms before, during and after the elections.
Inuwa added that the command had been proactive in responding to emergency calls across the state at all times.
“The Federal Government and the Nigeria Police are committed to a crisis free general election in Nigeria in 2019.
“As a security agency, we will do our best in ensuring that the 2019 general election goes peacefully in Cross River.
“I want to specifically advise the youths not to allow themselves to be used as thugs by some politicians who are desperate of clinching to power in 2019.
“I wish to also solicit the cooperation of the public through the provision of timely and useful information to all divisions of the command across the state with a view to help us respond to distress calls on time,’’ he said.
The Commissioner assured all political parties of adequate security during the polls.

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