2 Islamic group tutors docked over gang rape of two girls

2 Islamic group tutors docked over gang rape of two girls

Wednesday, July 19, 2017 3:20 pm


Two Islamic group tutors — Kamaledeen Alade and Hammed Adebayo — who allegedly gang-raped two girls, a 14-year-old and a 16-year-old, were on Wednesday docked in Lagos.

‎Alade, 32, and Adebayo 27, whose addresses were not provided, pleaded not guilty to a four-count charge of conspiracy, rape, sexual penetration and application of charm, at a Surulere Chief Magistrates’ Court.

‎The prosecutor, Sgt. Anthonia Osayande, told the court that of two accused, Alade was the founder of the group, where youths attended to learn the Quran, while Adebayo was just like an assistant to Alade, in tutoring the youths.

According to the prosecutor, the accused and one other, now at large, committed the offences at No. 24, Amosun St., Sari-Iganmu area of Lagos State on July 11 at about 10.05 a.m.

Osayande alleged that Alade, the founder of the group, gang-raped the 14-year-old with the other accused now at large, and he gave the 16-year-old to Adebayo to go and rape too.

“They conspired among themselves and did have sexual intercourse turn-by-turn with the girls, after which they forcefully applied charms on their necks.’’

“One of the girls who could not bear the pains confessed the incident to her parents, which led to their arrest.’’

The prosecutor said the offences contravened Sections 127(1), 137, 261 and 411 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2015.

Magistrate Aro Lambo granted the accused bail in the sum of N200, 000 each, with two sureties each in like sum.

‎He said one of the sureties must be a civil servant not less than Grade Level 14, while the other should be a property owner within the jurisdiction of the court.

“The sureties must provide evidence of tax payment to the Lagos State Government and their addresses should be verified by the court,’’ he added.

‎The magistrate adjourned the case until Sept. 26, pending advice from the Lagos State Department of Public Prosecutions (DPP).


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