NAF airstrike  kill 29 bandits in Katsina

NAF airstrike  kill 29 bandits in Katsina

Monday, June 17, 2024 12:16 pm


Nigerian Air Force (NAF) conducted airstrikes

Nigerian Air Force (NAF) conducted airstrikes

By Maduabuchi Nmeribeh/Katsina

Following the recent attack on Kankara Local Government Area on Sunday, 9 June 2024, the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) conducted airstrikes in the vicinity of Bakori Hills and Yartsintsiya, where airstrikes neutralized  29 bandits and freed kidnapped victims.

Our Correspondent gathered that the airstrike resulted in the confirmed deaths of eight  bandits by gunshot wounds and 21 by bomb fragments.

While the details are still emerging, it is believed that the operation also disrupted criminal activities and led to the escape of multiple kidnapped victims.

Among those who regained their freedom is the daughter of the Ruwan Godiya Village Head, who had been held captive for several months.

Impeccble source from NAF told our Correspondent that the airstrike will continue until the bandits and their cohorts are wiped out of Katsina.

The source said NAF will  continue to collaborate with ground forces and intelligence agencies to identify and neutralize criminal elements in the state and across the entire North-West region.


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