Kaduna mayhem: Police confirm 7 dead, 10 arrests

Kaduna mayhem: Police confirm 7 dead, 10 arrests

Monday, February 26, 2018 10:17 pm

File: Policemen on parade

The Kaduna Police Command on Monday said it had arrested 10 suspects over Kasuwan Magani mayhem in Kajuru Local Government Area in of the State.

The Command’s Public Relations Officer, ASP Muhktar Aliyu, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Kaduna that 10 people were killed and 15 injured during the crisis.

Aliyu added that normalcy has returned in the area.

According to him, the command received a distressed call in the morning hours of Feb. 26 that there was tension in the area.

“We immediately contacted ‘Operation Yaki’, a security outfit, and the Divisional Police Officer to arrest the situation.

“So the situation is under control,” the spokesman.

On loss of property, Aliyu said: “We are still accessing, we cannot be certain, but properties were destroyed.”

The PPRO said the cause of the crisis is being investigated.

Aliyu urged all citizens and communities to reject violence, divisions and hold their neighbours in peace and harmony.

He assured residents that the command remained committed to performing its constitutional responsibility of protecting lives and properties.

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