Court releases ex-VP Atiku’s son, estranged wife gets custody of children

Court releases ex-VP Atiku’s son, estranged wife gets custody of children

Wednesday, October 18, 2017 9:16 pm

Aminu leaving the cell of Tinubu Magistrate Court PHOTO: Daily Trust

A Tinubu Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday in Lagos granted the custody of the children of the son of former Vice-President Abubakar Atiku, Aminu, to his estranged wife, Fatimo Bolori.
The Chief Magistrate, Mrs Kikelomo Ayeye, ordered that the children — Amirah, 8 and Amir, 6 — should be in the custody of their mother for 10 days pending when “permanent living, visiting arrangement” would be made.
The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Aminu, who was earlier remanded in transit cell of the court for disobeying a court order to produce his son, Amir, was later released when he fulfilled the court order.
Ayeye, thereafter, adjourned the case until Nov. 1 for further hearing. 

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