Kano: CP Gumel warns against planned protest over Appeal Court verdict

Kano: CP Gumel warns against planned protest over Appeal Court verdict

Monday, November 20, 2023 6:34 pm

Kano state Commissioner of Police, Mr. Mohammed Usaini Gume

Kano state Commissioner of Police, Mr. Mohammed Usaini Gumel

By Maduabuchi Nmeribeh/Kano

Kano state Commissioner of Police, Mr. Mohammed Usaini Gumel has warned against planned protest over the outcome of the Appeal Court judgment that sacked Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf.

Security reports unveiled plots by disgruntled elements to breach the peace in the ancient commercial city through a violent protest.

But CP Gumel has assured residents of the state that police and sister security agencies are on top of the situation.

The Kano Chief Sheriff stated this in a Statement signed by the Kano Police Command spokesman, Superintendent of Police, Abdullahi Haruna Kiyawa.

He warned against unlawful gathering and urged patriotic citizens to move about their daily business without fear.

According to him, adequate security arrangements have been put in place to prevent escalation of tensions that may lead to breakdown of law and order;.

He said whoever attempts to disrupt the peace in the state will be arrested and made to face the full wrath of the Law.

The Statsmement reads: “The call is as a result of credible information at the Command’s disposal that revealed the intention of some groups of political party supporters using unconventional media platforms, mobilizing people and planning to enter the streets in form of protest to the Kano State Governorship Appeal Court’s verdict which was delivered on Friday, 17th November 2023.

“The information revealed that the intention of the protesters is to shutdown the State in an action which may likely result in violence. It’s on this note that the police command issued warning to residents of the state to be extra-careful as whoever intends to conduct any protest or procession should do so in accordance with the provisions of the law.

“Furthermore, you will all recall that prior to the court ruling, the leaderships of both NNPP and APC had been invited by the Kano State Police Command where peace accord was signed on Thursday, 16th November 2023.

” The objective of the peace accord was to maintain harmony and ensure that the political landscape in Kano State remained peaceful, irrespective of the judgment’s outcome.

” In furtherance, the leadership of the two political parties promised that; no politically motivated clusters of people would be allowed at any location under whatever guise, their supporters would not engage in any mass action suggesting preparation for violent processions, protests, or celebrations that may trigger reactions, unguarded statements from their members likely to increase political tension or undermine the security arrangements and sanctity of the Judiciary would be avoided, they will remain committed to on behalf of their parties to monitor, adhere and comply with the details contained in the peace accord signed before the Kano State Police Command, their parties will support all the arrangements put in place by the security apparatus to maintain peace and order, and that any person or group of persons directly or indirectly found disrupting the peace before, during and after the Appeal Court Judgment shall face the full wrath of the Law

“In view of the above, the Commissioner of Police, Kano State Police Command, CP Mohammed Usaini Gumel, FIPMA, psc calls on all residents to maintain calmness and avoid any form of unlawful gathering, protest, or procession that may trigger violence as joint security forces have since been dispatched to strategic locations to safeguard peace and order throughout the State.

“Reiteratively, whoever attempts to disrupt the peace in the State will be arrested and made to face the wrath of the law.

” The CP while appreciating the peace-loving people of the State for their cooperation, support and understanding, expressed the commitment of the Police Command to the protection of lives and properties of all residents in the State.

“He urged everyone to keep reporting any suspicious movement, person(s) or item(s) they come across to the nearest Police Station or through the following Kano State Police Command emergency contact numbers: – 08032419754, 08123821575, 09029292926, or log in to the NPF Rescue Me Application available in the Play Store, or through the following Online Media Platforms;

Facebook: Kano State Police Command

Twitter: Kano State Police Command (@KanoPoliceNG)

Instagram: Kano State Police Command

Tiktok: Kano State Police Command.”


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