Atiku Abubaka’s Chicago State University Fishing: Breaking Down A Few Things .

Atiku Abubaka’s Chicago State University Fishing: Breaking Down A Few Things .

Thursday, October 5, 2023 4:01 pm

Atiku, right Tinubu

The President Bola Tinubu’s Chicago State University certificate and documents issue is generating acrimonious debates. Different interpretations are flying around cyber space. In the jumble of papers going viral everywhere, not a few people find it difficult to see the wood for the trees!

However, in the article below, entitled,
“Atiku Abubaka’s Chicago State University Fishing: Breaking Down A Few Things,” Uche Diala interpretes the documents and reaches a position.

Keep on reading


Uche Diala

How we Got Here …

The “headless mob” claimed that the man BAT did not go to school as he claimed. The institution he claimed he attended, Chicago State University (CSU), USA came out to say that they knew him, he actually attended and indeed graduated from their institution.

That should ordinarily have ended it but not for a people who know the truth but deliberately go afishing to keep their mob riled up.

Eventually, CSU was Subpoenaed and under oath produced the academic documents and more at the request of Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, a former Vice President of Nigeria.

Not seeing what they were so sure they would see, instead of hiding their faces in shame, the “headless mob” of “nattering nitwits” have continued in their public dance of ignominy.

Among other things, they say his diploma was different from others issued by CSU in 1979, he submitted a forged result to INEC, he secured admission with a result belonging to a female, etc.

At least, they now agree that he actually went to school and indeed attended CSU, but trust them not to be decent enough to give up.

So, Let’s Dig In A Bit …

CSU in its response under oath to AAA’s request no. 2, “a true and correct copy of any diploma issued to Mr Tinubu in 1979” responded thus:

“CSU does not in ordinary course keep the copies of students’ diplomas, and after the diligent search cannot locate a copy of the original diploma it prepared for Mr Tinubu in 1979 hence has no documents responsive to this request”. (See picture A attached).

However … I guess the fishing mob deliberately pretended not to see this below in the same CSU response.

In response to request no. 3, CSU submitted under oath interalia thus: “CSU is also producing, Bates labeled as CSU 011 and CSU 012 diplomas prepared for other CSU students (…) which match the format of the Tinubu REPLACEMENT diploma dated June 27, 1997”.
(See picture B attached).

Wait a minute. So Tinubu got a “replacement diploma” certificate in 1997 duly issued by CSU which was what he presented to INEC while the fishing crowd was looking for a 1979 diploma signed by individuals in charge at CSU as of 1979? Interesting.

Farooq Kperogi (one of those the mob is listening to) in particular should hear this because I doubt that he read the document he was commenting on before he wrote the piece attributed to him that I read this morning (3rd October) where he wrote among other fabrications thus:

“Although he (Tinubu) did legitimately graduate from Chicago University in 1979, he lost his certificate and, instead of applying for a replacement, decided to forge it”.

Not done, the fishing crowd quickly pivoted to the certificate submitted by Tinubu was different from the format used by CSU. Pheew!!

If only they were not a bunch of mischief makers and dandies, they would have easily noticed that copies of the various diplomas of other CSU students submitted under oath by CSU on AAA’s request, which they are even sharing themselves, had certain consistencies but differed in several significant ways, especially in the logos used and the signatories, even for diplomas issued in the same year.

(See pictures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and then 6 submitted to INEC by Tinubu). Look particularly at pictures 3 and 6.

So how was what Tinubu submitted to INEC fake or forged? Did Tinubu even have any need to forge something that he had earned and that existed, even if he lost his copy?

All he needed to do was to request another one, which was exactly what he did in 1997 as acknowledged by CSU under oath. Indeed, common sense is truly not common.

The fishing mob, not yet done clutching on straws, turned to the ‘F’ gender filled on his transcript from SouthWest College.

In their infantile mischief, they pretend to forget that they claim his name is something “Amoda” and not Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

In that same transcript document from SouthWest College that the likes of Farooq Kperogi and a certain Jackson Ude are still using to ‘whine’ gullible brains, they pretended not to see that the name is boldly written ‘Tinubu Bola A’. (See picture C attached).

In addition, the social security number on that document has also been confirmed to belong to Tinubu Bola A., a male. His admission letter from CSU also boldly read “Bola A. Tinubu” and addressed him as “Dear Mr. Tinubu” (See picture D attached) in addition to all pictures that have emanated from his time at CSU bearing his image and likeness.

By the way, so a male used a transcript belonging to a female or another person to gain admission at CSU with the name Tinubu Bola A., studied and graduated and CSU or the American system did not decode that for decades?

It is indeed most unfortunate that common sense has become a very scarce commodity in our society.

It is further heartbreaking that a large percentage of our population have sublet their brains to others to reason on their behalf in classic herd/mob mentality.

I wish them luck.

See the relevant documents referred to below:

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