Governor Yusuf relocates demolished Kano Golden Jubilee Tower to Naibawa Roundabout

Governor Yusuf relocates demolished Kano Golden Jubilee Tower to Naibawa Roundabout

Monday, June 26, 2023 9:21 am

Kano Govt House roundabout Tower


By Maduabuchi Nmeribeh/Kano
Kano state Governor, Engr. Abba Kabir Yusuf, has concluded plans to relocate and reconstruct the original design of the demolished Government House roundabout Kano Golden Jubilee Tower, to Naibawa Roundabout.
A Statement released by Governor Yusuf’s Spokesperson,  Comrade Hisham Habib, indicated that, “Kano state government is to reinstate design of demolished roundabout at  Naibawa Flyover.”
The Statement reads: “The Kano state government under the able leadership of Alhaji Abba Kabir Yusuf,  has made plans to reinstate the  iconic design on the demolished roundabout near the government house  to  a more secure place at the Naibawa Flyover outskirts of the city.
“Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf who met with the designer of the Goldeen Jubilee  edifice  Kaltume Hana at the new site for the erection of the structure, expressed the government’s commitment to  infrastructural development.
“He said the place is suitable for  the  work and will not pose any challenge after a carefully conducted survey and assured the citizens of  better projects ahead.
“The designer Kaltume Gana thanked  the governor for preserving her unique work which was adjuged as a masterpiece.
“The structure which  was designed like traditional gate and a trumpet on top was pulled down after it was  deemed not suitable for the place,and a better replacement  will be put in place.”

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