Killing of Naval Rating by local vigilante sparks protests in Rivers

Killing of Naval Rating by local vigilante sparks protests in Rivers

Tuesday, June 20, 2023 2:57 pm

The late Justice Ogbuehi said to have just completed Naval training but short dead

* Council Chairman assures for justice, condemns illegal use of arms by Vigilante 
Okafor Ofiebor/Port Harcourt
The killing of Justice Ogbuehi, a Naval rating by members of the Emohua Local Vigilante Service, EMOVIS, in his community ,iOduohan  Emohua Local Government Area of Rivers State has sparked protests among the youths of the Council area.
The protesters who stormed a Port Harcourt based radio station to ventilate their anger  insist that the slain Justice Ogbuehi is an innocent man with no criminal record to warrant he being shot dead by members of EMOVIS.
Justice Ogbuehi, was allegedly killed on Monday, June 19, in his compound while helping his mother to process cassava.
It was learnt that Justice Ogbuehi recently finished his Naval training before his untimely death. His death sparked tension in Oduoha, Emohua.
In his swift reaction, Dr. Chidi Lloyd, the Chairman of Emohua Local Government Council, has ordered full investigation into the killing of Justice, promising that the full weight of the law must prevail.

Lloyd on who also on NigeriaInfo 92.3fm he spoke on the alleged killing of one Mr Justice Ogbuehi at Oduoha,EMOLGA by members of ELMOVIS(Vigilantes) assuring he had asked the Police,Joint Task Force to investigate how members of the group who are not constitutionally empowered to bear arms shot Justice Ogbuehi.

Lloyd who was a Law Lecturer until becoming Chairman of Emohua local government Council said that the Vigilante members are only meant to share intelligence and synergize with other security agencies in crime fighting but not to bear arms.
 Lloyd assured that EMOLVIS personnel found culpable will be dealt with in accordance to the law.
For the fact that sometimes they (Vigilantes) carry arms in discharge of their duty even to the knowledge of security agencies in their domain and LGAs Airhority does not make it constitutional.
Eventhough there is a claim that the victim who was hit by a stray bullet is said to be a member of the gang of late kingpin Onuigwe Nwodi, while the family insist on his innocent.
However, the Chairman  acknowledged the fact that whatever circumstance that led to the shooting of Justice Ogbuehi, the Vigilance group are not constitutionally empowered to bear arms but before now the vigilantes bear arms in public glare even with the knowledge of the security agencies and local government authorities.
At the time of filing this report,the report,the authorities of the Rivers State Police Command were yet to react the tragic incident.

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