#Chrislandschool: How Not to Send Children on Foreign Excursion
#Chrislandschool: How Not to Send Children on Foreign Excursion
Monday, April 18, 2022 7:38 pm
Funmi Peter-Omale
By Funmi Peter-Omale
Facebook vigilantes are busy blaming #chrislandschool for what happened between a 10-year-old girl and her schoolmates while on an excursion trip to Dubai.
For goodness sake, what kind of parents send their 10-year-old children on an excursion to a foreign country, without going with them? And totally relying on the teachers for the duty of care? Irresponsible parents.
Irresponsible because these children could have been trafficked for all we know!!! Do people not know, read and see on the news are easily young children are trafficked all over the world, under the guise of school trips, school camps or school holidays? How can you trust the wellbeing of your 10-year-old, with a stranger, even if they are their teachers at school? I wouldn’t. Because there are plenty of paedophiles in schools, molesting children and pretending to be teachers!
Only irresponsible parents will think it’s alright to allow their 10-year-old, to go off on a school trip without personally taking responsibility for chaperones.
I have not watched and will not watch the graphic video, I will never wish to see my 10 -year old daughter or son doing such an abominable thing. You’ll have to be a pervert to think it’s necessary to watch primary school children doing what they shouldn’t even know anything about!!!
Let’s be rational about all this, these children are a reflection of their parents. They are a reflection of failed parenthood.
I’m sorry to say the mother of the girl is a total disappointment, coming on social media and asking people to help her spread the word that the school authority tried to cover the incident and had several secret meetings with her 10-year-old daughter!
First, let me say that definitely, there’s a disconnection between the mother and her daughter. If not, right from the start that she’d asked her, the girl would have trusted and confided in her mother.
My conclusion on this is that the woman hasn’t been there for her child, and practically has not been paying attention otherwise she’d have noticed her child was wayward or whatever. Or that maybe she’s been moving with the wrong crowd.
It’s really sad seeing how debased and unsafe the society has become for young boys and girls. That the first thing they’d think about is having intimate relations and having the audacity to record themselves and circulate same.
It’s very troubling. And as parents, let’s all learn from this. Training and nurturing our children is more than just putting them in expensive schools, paying the fees and leaving the home training for the teachers.
Training our children starts right with us, from home.
The child that you don’t train well from home, will disgrace you outside tomorrow. Your wealth and worldly possessions are useless if your children are not taught the proper ways of life to go.
The parents of these children, all of whom are victims, failed woefully.
They should be shamefully hiding and not coming on social media with crocodile tears.
*Funmi Peter-Omale, journalist, writes from London
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