Ondo SDP leader dumps party for PDP

Ondo SDP leader dumps party for PDP

Sunday, August 5, 2018 1:52 pm


Mrs Modupe Akindele-Martins, a chieftain of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) in Ondo State, has dumped the party with her supporters for Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

She disclosed this to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Akure on Sunday.

Akindele-Martins was the Deputy Governorship Candidate of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) in November 2016 election in the state.

She was also the running mate to Dr Olu Agunloye of the SDP in the last governorship election in the state.

Akindele-Martins was also the Ondo State Woman Leader of the defunct Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN).

Akindele-Martins said she had resigned her membership from the SDP and was defecting with thousands of her supporters in all the 18 local government areas of the Ondo State to PDP.

“Absolutely, am leaving SDP with thousands of my supporters in the 18 local government areas of the state to join PDP,” she said.

She said that SDP, as a party, did not have the commitment to effect any change of government in 2019 and was not well positioned to wrestle power from APC.

“So, with my exit at this point in time, that means the SDP only exists as a nomenclature at the state level.

“SDP has been in a total mess after the former State Secretary, Hon. Dele Ogunbameru, left on Oct. 24, 2017 with more than half of the state structure,” she said.

According to her, all is now set to formally join the PDP with her supporters as all arrangements have been concluded.

Akindele-Martins, who is from Okitipupa in Ondo South Senatorial District, expressed regret that the area had been neglected by the current administration, hence the need for her to pitch tent with the PDP to save the people from the “shackles of APC government in the state.”

“All hands must be on deck to save the people of Ondo South Senatorial district and entire state from the shackles of the so-called progressives party.

“The good people of Ondo South Senatorial District have made up their minds to pitch tent with the PDP to wrestle power from the APC at all levels in the 2019 general elections,” she said.

Akindele-Martins, therefore, called on the people of the state to support the enthronement of PDP at all levels of government.

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