New horrendous ways ISIS Jihadists kill their prisoners

New horrendous ways ISIS Jihadists kill their prisoners

Tuesday, June 23, 2015 6:01 pm

Prisoners strung with explosive necklaces to be bombed alive

Prisoners strung with explosive necklaces to be bombed alive

In a new video, Jihadists of the Islamic State have revealed three new horrendous ways they use to kill their condemned prisoners.

The three methods will all find places in the World Book of Atrocities.

According to a report by Mail Online, one of the best I am execution methods, involved locking condemned prisoners in a metal cage and then lowering them into a swimming pool to drown.

In another footage of the video, said to have been filmed in the ISIS stronghold of Mosul, prisoners are locked in a car, and then blown up with a rocket grenade.

And in yet another footage, prisoners are strung together with explosive necklaces and then detonated.

The brutal killings Will Make One Wonder, Which God followers of ISIS are worshipping.

Here are some of the images as published by Mail Online:

Prisoners locked in a car and then executed with rocket propelled grenades

Prisoners locked in a car and then executed with rocket propelled grenades

Caged prisoners being lowered into swimming pool to drown

Caged prisoners being lowered into swimming pool to drown

The caged men almost disappearing into water:they would never come out alive

The caged men almost disappearing into water:they would never come out alive

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