Senator Ted Cruz

11 Republican senators to challenge Biden’s presidential election win

A group of 11 Republican senators and senators-elect on Saturday said that they intend to…

Ted Cruz bows out , Trump close to nomination

Republican front-runner Donald Trump went from long-shot contender to become the party's presumptive nominee on…

Trump thumps ‘Lying Cruz’ in Indiana, nomination in sight

Donald Trump crushed his Republican rivals Tuesday in Indiana, US networks projected, bringing him dramatically…

Trump links rival Cruz’s father with JFK assassin

On the day of Indiana crucial primary election, the US Republican race slipped to gutter…

Hillary Clinton, Trump stretch delegate leads

US Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton scored a victory over challenger Bernie Sanders in Maryland and…

Trump rips rivals apart, slams eating habit of one

Old habits die hard. It's even more so for Republican Donald Trump who for a…

Cruz, Kasich strike Stop-Trump deal

Republican White House rivals Ted Cruz and John Kasich announced a deal on Sunday to…

Ted Cruz harvests 14 delegates in Wyoming, narrows Trump’s lead

Republican U.S. presidential hopeful Ted Cruz won all 14 delegates at stake on Saturday in…

US Republicans lay ambush for The Donald

Mr Donald Trump may be riding high in the US Republican presidential race. He may…

Ted Cruz calls National Enquirer story ‘garbage’

Republican Ted Cruz on Friday denounced an article in the National Enquirer tabloid claiming he…