presidential election

Stop the lies! I defeated you — Tinubu tells Obi

Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, Nigeria’s President-elect, has punched holes in the petition that Peter Obi, the…

Presidential Election: Speaker Obasa Votes, Expresses Hope in APC’s Victory

The Speaker of the Lagos State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Mudashiru Obasa, has described…

Gambia: Barrow takes slim lead in presidential election

Nearly 1 million people from a population of 2.5 million are registered to vote in…

Duterte backs out of Philippine vice-presidential bid, endorses aide

Analysts had warned that if Duterte had successfully run for vice president in the May…

Hardline judiciary chief, Ebrahim Raising, wins Iranian presidential

It would mark a significant change in direction for the government in Iran after eight…

Assad wins Syria’s presidential election

Assad’s win was largely anticipated as his competitors in the race are a low-profile opposition…

U.S. vows action against election riggers in Uganda

By Harrison Arubu The United States has said it will take action against anti-democratic forces…

Facebook closes Ugandan govt-linked accounts ahead of elections

  Social media giant, Facebook, says it has closed several accounts linked to Uganda’s Ministry…

Constitutional Court to declare final results of presidential election in Burkina Faso

The Constitutional Court in Burkina Faso on Tuesday said it will announce the final results…

Ghana to elect president in ‘battle of two giants’

12 candidates, including two women, are vying for the presidency. But onlythe incumbent Nana Addo…