National News

Ebola spoils business for sex workers, sanitisers boom

 Kate, Bright and Happiness sat on the lawn of a Lagos brothel, sipping lager and…

Dangote helps with $150mn to battle Ebola

Africa's richest man, Aliko Dangote has donated $150 million to halt the spread of the…

Students clash over slashed fees in Ogun state

No fewer than four students were injured today  as disparate groups of students in tertiary…

Pilgrims with Ebola will be disqualified from Hajj – NAHCON

The National Hajj Commission (NAHCON) on Thursday said intending 2014 pilgrims discovered to have contacted…

#Ebolavirus: Nigeria sacks all resident doctors

Nigeria’s President, Goodluck Jonathan has sacked all resident doctors in all federal government hospitals across…

Ebola virus: Jonathan directs Ministry of Aviation to recruit protocol officers

The Minster of Aviation, Mr Osita Chidoka, said President Goodluck Jonathan has directed the ministry…

Sawyer blamed in Liberia, Nigeria for spreading Ebola

President Goodluck Jonathan called Patrick Sawyer, the Liberian-American, who brought Ebola virus to Nigeria, a…

Conference to discuss draft report tomorrow

Delegates to the National Conference on Wednesday reconvened at the National Judicial Institute in Abuja,…

Ogun Assembly queries 2 members

Abiodun Onafuye/ Abeokuta Two members of the Ogun State House of Assembly may be suspended…