
Hong Kong protesters defiant after tear gas chaos

Police repeatedly fired tear gas in clashes with protesters fighting for democracy as parts of…

Ghana counts on IMF deal for economic rebound

Ghana President John Dramani Mahama said at the weekend that a deal his country is…

#Ebola: Liberia's chief medical officer quarantines self

Liberia's chief medical officer, who is also a deputy health minister, has put herself in…

Brazilian ex-colonel nabbed with 351kg of marijuana

Brazilian police Saturday arrested a retired army colonel after discovering 351 kilograms (770 pounds) of…

British Conservatives suffer second MP defection

British Prime Minister David Cameron suffered a blow on Saturday as Mark Reckless defected to…

Spain forecloses referendum for Catalonia independence

The Spanish government Saturday said Catalonia would not be allowed to hold an independence referendum,…

Woman stoned to death for multiple husbands

Somalia's al Shebab militants have stoned a woman to death in the southern town of…

Verdict in Mubarak case set for November

An Egyptian court on Saturday postponed the verdict in the murder retrial of deposed president…

Ghana, Ivory Coast go to court over maritime boundary

Ghana and Ivory Coast are heading to a United Nations tribunal to resolve a dispute…

German nabbed in Indonesia with cocaine

Indonesian customs said Saturday they have arrested a German for allegedly trafficking cocaine onto the…