Sierra Leone: Former President Koroma’s Legal Team Requests Break, Interrogations Commence Tomorrow- Information Minister

Former President Ernest Bai Koroma

Abubakar Hashim/ Freetown

The legal team of former President Ernest Bai Koroma, led by Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara, requested a break since last Thursday 14 December, to enable the former President enormous time to rest to recoup.

This was immediately granted to befit his status as an ex president, revealed the Minister of Information, Chernoh Bah, at today’s press briefing at Tower Hill in Freetown.

The interrogations will continue tomorrow at the CID Headquarters along Pademba Road in Central Freetown.

Former President Koroma was declared a “ suspect “ by the IGP, William Sellu Fayia last week, with the country’s Information Minister, Chernoh Bah further revealing that both former and current bodyguards and associates of the former President were directly and indirectly involved in the planning and execution of the botched coup on November 26, 2023.

The failed coup is the second attempt to overthrow President Bio since the last elections, six months ago in June, 2023, that brought him to power for a second term.

The country is on record, to have two coups, within 48 hours in 1967.

The match to democracy actually commenced during late President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah, who ended the 11- year old civil war and who really laid solid foundations for unity, peace and democracy.

When the police interrogations commence tomorrow, a multilayered barrage of questions are expected to be fielded by the former president, who still resides at his private residence at Goderich, amid restrictions of visitors ( three family members and three political associates), who are let in, but can be restricted out.

The former president can only step out of his residence at Goderich with the “expressed permission “ of the IGP.

The curfew still persists from midnight to 6am. Businesses are on skeletal services.