Sierra Leone: Possible Tips Why Dankay Was Tagged A Suspect


Dankay Koroma

Abubakar Hashim/ Freetown

She is the last born and loveable daughter of Sierra Leone’s former President Ernest Bai Koroma and former First Lady Sia Nyama Koroma.

The former First Family has two daughters, the eldest, Alice, a lawyer, now married to a lawyer Mansaray, while Dankay remains single till date and based in London.

Dankay was more vocal, vociferous and vibrant , than Alice, particularly during the epic reign of her father’s 11- year presidency.

She was known, even in public circles, to be close to the former President’s aides, bodyguards and top political associates.
She was the unofficial, family proxy who calls the shots, in the background , in major policy decisions in the 11- year old Koroma presidency.

Danke was the power broker, seen in all campaign rallies.

She still remains the apple and has the eyes and ears of former President Koroma.

Though still single and the youngest of the only two daughters of the former President, sources say she is more vibrant, articulate, but powerful in decisions of governance.

In other African countries, there are similar trends. For instance, in Nigeria, late Mohamed Abacha was of similar traits. Just few weeks ago, President Bola Tinubu put a stop to his son, Seyi, from attending cabinet sittings at State House. It’s not new in politics, but not healthy for good governance.

Dankay might have been roped in as a suspect in the ongoing coup attempt trial due to her open and brazen alignment with key operatives of the 11- year Koroma presidency, between 2007 to 2018.

After her father left office in 2018, she didn’t stop her vociferous voice, unlike her elder sister, Alice, who remains quiet in her marital life.

These and many more, in my humble estimation, are the likeable reasons that she has been declared suspect by the Police.