Governor Fubara, Senator Onyesoh to declare open Rivers NUJ 2023 Correspondent’s Chapel Week 

Governor Fubara, Senator Onyesoh to declare open Rivers NUJ 2023 Correspondent’s Chapel Week 

Sunday, December 10, 2023 11:07 am

Gov Siminalayi Fubara

Gov Siminalayi Fubara

Okafor Ofiebor/Port Harcourt

Governor Siminalayi Fubara of Rivers State as Special Guest of Honour is expected to declare open the Correspondent’s Chapel 2023 week of the Rivers State Council of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), in partnership with The Mayor of Housing, kickstarts on Monday, December 11, 2023, to round off on Sunday, December 17, 2023.

Also expected to attend the Press Week among other dignitaries expected at the opening ceremony include: Senator Allwell Onyesoh, representing Rivers East Senatorial District,Alabo Chris Finebone, immediate past Commissioner of Information and Communications,Professor Barineme B.Fakae, former Vice Chancellor Rivers State University among others.

The theme of week is: ‘Rivers State and the Quest for an Ideal Investment Climate: The Role of the Media’.

The sub-theme is: ‘Need for a blend of infrastructure and entrepreneurship for accelerated economic growth’.

In a press statement jointly signed by Amaechi Okonkwo, Chairman of Correspondent’s Chapel and Ignatius Chukwu, Chairman, Organizing Committee says,the Opening Ceremony would hold on Monday, December 11, 2023, at the NBA Hall 2, opposite PHALGA Secretariat at 10 am.

Chief/Dr Emi Membere-Otaji, former Commissioner of Health and Chief Executive Officer of Elshcon Nigeria Limited is the Guest Speaker.

Professor Barineme.B Fake,the former Vice Chancellor Rivers State University, Port Harcourt is billed as Chairman of the Opening Ceremony.

Expected Special guests include: the Commissioner of Information & Communications, Hon Joseph Johnson. Others are all Commissioners, House committee chairman on Information/Communications, Local Council Chairmen, Selected Captains of Industry, Business tycoons, Media Chiefs, and top Journalists.

The highlight of the Correspondents Week is a Dinner/Award Night on December 15, 2023, at the same venue (NBA Hall 2) where Senator Allwell Heacho Onyesoh, Senator Representing Rivers East Senatorial District, who will deliver a talk on ‘Investment Windows for Journalists in Rivers’.

The award night will feature the Nigeria Liquified Natural Gas,NLNG and Indorama in the corporate category with Kingsley Weneda Wali Esq in the individual category.

Special moment will be Special Recognition Certificates to some Special Friends of the Correspondent’s Chapel. Among who would be Senator Allwell Onyesoh, Dr.Jossy Nkwocha of Indorama, Alabo Chris Finebone, and Sir Chief Ernest Chinwo, the immediate past Chairman Correspondent’s Chapel and General Manager,GM Tide Newspapers,Port Harcourt.

Members of Chapel are expected to embark on a Facility Tour of Bobtrack Nigeria Limited, the company where Tractors are being manufactured in Port Harcourt.

The Correspondents are scheduled to pay visits to the Priesthood Orphanage in Elelenwo, and to the Old Peoples Home in Borokiri. They would preach inclusiveness with the message; “All hands on the Deck for the society must move forward”.

The Correspondents will rest and do walkouts on Saturday, December 16, 2023, and prepare for the Thanksgiving Church Service the next day, December 17, 2023, at the Glorious Destiny Family Church, Borokiri.

According to the Chairman of the Correspondents Chapel, Amaechi Okonkwo, and chairman of the Central Organising Committee, Ignatius Chukwu, the Press Week 2023 promises to be an exciting moment for Journalists in Rivers State and a moment to look inward and do better in 2024 by sharpening their pens to contribute to the economic development of the host state through promotion and interpretation of investment policies and activities.

Media practitioners and all Journalists especially Correspondents are therefore enjoined to turn out massively at the various venues and events and also give the activities the robust publicity the Press Week deserves.


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