Appeal Court verdict: Police avert mass protest in Kano

CP Mohammed Gumel

*Arraign seven protesters 

By Maduabuchi Nmeeibeh/Kano

Police, on Monday, averted what would have been the mother of all protests in Kano over the verdict of the Appeal Court on Kano governorship election.

A group of politicians described by the police  as “faceless, jobless and unpatriotic,” had planned using youths, women and traders to disrupt the relative peace being enjoyed in the ancient commercial city.

The state Commissioner of Police, Mr. Mohammed Usaini Gumel hinted that intelligence reports revealed that the disgruntled elements and their sponsors planned crippling business activities in Kano on Monday (today), by shutting down the major markets and sponsoring hoodlums to take over the streets.

But quick response and intervention by the police and sister-security agencies aborted their plans.

On Sunday,  CP Gumel held emergency meetings with the leaders of all the major markets in Kano, political associations, Civil Society Organizations and other pressure groups who disassociated themselves from the plots to cause chaos in the state.

More so, the market leaders in a Press Statement Sunday evening disowned any trader who engaged in unpatriotic activities and declared their total support to the Police in maintaining peace and order in the ancient commercial city.

The Kano State Traders Association debunked the rumours making the round that it is planning to stage protest against the Appeal Court judgement that removed Kano state Governor,  Engr. Abba Kabir Yusuf.

In a Statement signed by its secretary, Usman A. Nagoda, the association called on traders in all markets in the state not to join any protest.

Nagoda also stated that, “no sensible trader would participate in any protest knowing fully that it is prohibited in Islam.

“Protest has never been a good decision as it could culminate to violence and destruction of lives and properties. Therefore, we are not party to any plan to stage protest against the Appeal Court judgement,”  the Statement added.

Briefing journalists Monday morning at the Police Officers’ Mess, shortly after meeting with the Command’s Management Team and Divisional Police Officers (DPOs), CP Gumel said the police are applying democratic policing strategy to calm the situation, even though some disgruntled elements are pushing security agencies to apply forceful approach in dealing with the situation.

He expressed gratitude to his officers and men, leadership of sister security agencies, the media, the state government and other stakeholders for their support and efforts.

The Kano Chief Sheriff, however, said already, police have arrested and arraigned seven unpatriotic elements who tried engaging in violent protest to disrupt the peace in the state.

CP Gumel told journalists that Kano state Police Command has uncovered plots by some faceless political pressure groups hellbent to forment trouble in Kano state.

He said:  “In our continued efforts to maintain peace and order following the Appeal Court ruling on the Kano State governorship election, the attention of the police command have been drawn to a planned protest by some faceless political groups who are currently hiding under the guise of different lawful associations, one of which is the Kano traders’ association.

“Already, the leadership of the Kantin Kwari, Sabongari, K/Wambai, Singer and some other market traders associations within the metropolis have informed the Police Command of their resolve on the planned protest.

” On this, the combined traders association not only disassociated themselves from such unpatriotic plan, but also made their position clear that they are not part of the ongoing political development in any way. They also reiterated that they neither have intention to organize such protest nor close their shops today, Monday, November 27, 2023.

“Premised on this development, the markets leadership have called on their members to remain law-abiding and move on with their normal legitimate businesses, and never to be distracted or dragged into partisan politics as doing so will only jeopardize their businesses, truncate their lawful activities and block their sources of livelihood.

“Furthermore, the traders pledged to continue working with the Police to ensure peace and order in the state. They further maintained that without peaceful atmosphere, their businesses would not thrive.”

He further stated that: “Recall that yesterday morning, (Sunday, November 26), some members of these faceless groups, with unclear political identity, had gathered themselves at different locations in Ungogo, Kura and Bebeji Local Government Areas, pretending to be holding ‘special prayers.’

“Please let them be aware that we are following up on every inch of their activities and already aware that overtly such gathering was not intended for special prayers but with intention to promote breach of the peace and to bring untold hardship on the peace-loving people of the state. Gladly, our personnel had moved and dispersed them.”

The Kano Police boss said: “Similar intelligence reports revealed that these faceless people are trying to begin the use of some media outlets in sending negative and poisonous messages against the police and other security agencies on the ongoing peace efforts we are embarking on.

“Of course, these groups are currently putting pressure very hard and pushing up for the law-abiding and innocent people to be killed in their desperation to trigger violence escalation and create disharmony amongst the security operatives and also to push them into engaging in deadly clashes with the protesting members of the public. Unfortunately for them, both the Police, media practitioners and the Kano people are democratically enlightened and patriotic citizens.

“Furthermore, there are additional revealing Intelligence reports that these faceless political groups are planning to embark on mass protests designed to breach the peace and cause destruction of lives and properties in the state, but the police and sister security agencies are on top of the situation.

“Members of the Press, Ladies and Gentlemen!; You are all witnesses to our resolve for respect to the rights of all residents and the way we are currently using our democratic policing strategy, which has since brought about the desired peace that everyone is enjoying in all parts of the state.

“Already, the leadership of the Police Command is in touch with the leadership of the New Nigeria People’s Party (NNPP) and the All Progressive Congress (APC); and both have re-assured us that they stand on the already signed Peace Accord.

“They also told us that their political parties will keep dissociating with any person, or group of persons, who are planning to cause trouble in the state through protest or unguided statements that are capable of causing chaos.

” On this note, let me assure the good citizens of Kano state that the security of their lives and property remains our paramount goal. They should remain calm and move about with their lawful businesses without fear. Currently, we have mapped out strategies on how to deal with any such plan for bringing restiveness in the State.

“The Police command is, by this press briefing, warning anyone or group of persons found engaging in activities that are capable of breaching the peaceful atmosphere that is being enjoyed in the state. Going forward, this category of people are advised to desist from doing so, because the Police will not hesitate to arrest and prosecute them.

“Moreover, let me also state that I am not only grateful to all the law-abiding good people of Kano State but also to inform them that their prayers in this direction, support, cooperation and understanding are well acknowledged. I also wish to emphasize the commitment of the Police Command towards the protection of lives and property of all residents of the State.

“Finally, I urge every Kano resident to keep reporting any suspicious movement of person(s) or item(s) that they come across to the nearest Police Station or through the following Kano State Police Command emergency contact numbers: 08032419754, 08123821575, 09029292926, or log in to the NPF Rescue Me Application available on Google Play Store, or through the following social media platforms

Facebook: Kano State Police Command

Twitter: Kano State Police Command (@KanoPoliceNG)

Instagram: Kano State Police Command

Tiktok: Kano State Police Command.”

Our Correspondent reports that the ancient commercial city of Kano remains calm and peaceful as at the time of filling this report.

Business activities are moving on without hitches as schools, banks, markets, private and public offices are all rendering their normal services.

However, security agents remain on alert for any eventuality