Body holds Workshop on Alternative to Fuel Subsidy Removal

Car fitted with gas cylinders

 The Nigeria Auto Journalists Association (NAJA), the umbrella body for journalists in the print, electronic and online media platforms reporting the automotive industry in Nigeria, says its annual Training /Capacity Building Workshop for 2023 will be held on August 24 in Lagos.

 The yearly training programme which is aimed at equipping the motoring journalists with the necessary reportorial skills as it relates to Nigeria’s automotive industry and globally, has two themes for the 2023 edition.

Chairman of NAJA, Mike Ochonma in a statement said two very critical themes have been chosen for the NAJA Training/Capacity Building workshop because of its crucial importance to Nigeria’s automotive industry.

“In other to equip our members with the necessary tool, we have as our major theme, Motoring Journalists and Role of New Media in Automotive Reportage. Another crucial theme during the 1-day event is, ‘Natural Gas (CNG, LNG, LPG) as an Alternative amid Fuel Subsidy Removal.

According to him, it is imperative for journalists covering the automotive sector to be in sync with latest happenings in the sector, especially at this point in time that many Nigerians are clamouring for alternative fuel following the removal of subsidy on fuel.

He said the event will be bringing together critical stakeholders with deep knowledge of the auto industry to help educate motoring journalists on necessary reportorial skills as it relates to the industry and globally.

Mr. Ochonma also called on stakeholders in the industry to support this year’s annual event for motoring journalists in Nigeria with a very large market for the automotive market.