Teni Makanaki’s Symbolic Snub: When Sade Protested Her Way

Sade Adu, top, and Teni


By Ena Ofugara

Many are too young to know Sade Adu and that she is Nigerian. Many may not know she rejected a Chieftaincy title and how she was lampooned and lambasted for it

Sade had a white mom who came down to Nigeria with her dad and was maltreated by the family, at least in her and the mother’s opinion. They ran back to the UK and Sade was to return upon the death of her father, who stayed back in Nigeria, separating from his family, at least physically.

Sade was to release one of the best songs ever called Sweetest Taboo and got global fame. When she came to bury her father, her village King and people decided to bestwo upon her a chieftaincy title.

Sade, after burying her father, vamoosed. She was called “disrespectful” and pompous and every name on earth then by the media and her people

They even called it “Bitterest Taboo”, a reference to her song, that she dared refuse an honor from her people

Why Teni acted as she did, we do not know
Is it because of how Buhari and the APC have run the nation down?

Or perhaps that her soldier father was retired before his time and remunerations unpaid and even murdered with the assailants still running free? Is her anger at the MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT, the way Sade was angry at a culture that allowed her mother to be maltreated and father free to cheat and do whatever he liked, including not being with his nuclear family?

People have a reason for their actions.
Every action will be criticized
If Teni smiles at Buhari and shakes his hands, people will come for her and may even do a JOKE SILVER on her.

My point? PEOPLE PROTEST, and that protest is always an insult to those against it
I considered Achebe’s refusal of the award bestwowed on him under president Obasanjo as an insult to Nigeria, as it was Nigeria giving it to him, and only being presented by Obasanjo. To others, to refuse is not an insult. To me and many, REFUSAL IS AN INSULT to the award and the institution and the nation.

Teni Akpata aka Teni Makanaki has more COJONES/balls/brocus than all the cissies talking about “respect for the office of…”

How else can a girl display her displeasure than either to refuse altogether, like Sade Adu, or collect what is due her, and not smile at an institution or regime that she feels is cause of her pain and that of millions others.
Go Teni!!!!