Kanu not produced in court, case shifted to 21 October

IPOB leader, Nnamdi Kanu

All the supporters of Nnamdi Kanu home and abroad who had been on tenterhooks because the leader of proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) would be brought to court today still have a long time to hang on. Reason: He did not show up in court today!
The matter came up in at 11.10 in the morning. Mr M. B. Abubakar, prosecuting counsel, as reported by TNG, “informed the court that the case is for hearing and although defendant has not yet been produced by the Department of State Service (DSS), holding in custody, they are ready to proceed. He, as the report has it, however requested the Court to proceed “without a fiat taking into consideration that the court has commenced vacation and Justice Binta Nyako was not one of the vacation judges.”

Mr ifeanyi Ejiofor, Kanu’s lawyer, however responded that he files an application “seeking the transfer of Kanu from DSS custody to correctional center.”

In the end, the judge held that trial of Kanu “cannot proceed in his absence” and that he “must be physically present for the case to go on.” The case was shifted to 21 October