EFCC arrests banker for alleged N18m fraud

Philips Orumade

The Benin Zonal Office of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, has arrested a staff of First Bank of Nigeria Plc, Philips Orumade,  for allegedly stealing the sum of Eighteen Million, Nine Hundred Thousand naira ( N18,900,000) from the bank.

Orumade,  who was said to be in charge of ATM gallery keys at Aduwawa branch of the bank ,  on November 3 , 2019 allegedly disappeared with the said amount and efforts to trace him proved abortive.

According to the  bank, the suspect was captured by the CCTV footage,  walking into the ATM gallery,   before using a nylon bag to cover the CCTV. The suspect has been on the run and was recently apprehended in Lagos.

He has made useful statements  and will soon be charged to court as soon as investigations are completed.