Why we should all sleep naked – says sex expert


Sleeping posture

  By Nebru Odeh

She does nothing other than spread the message of sex and teach people how to embrace their sexuality. Now Tyomi Morgan Glamazon has come out in a breezy article that is as sexy as sin to give four reasons why we should all sleep naked. That sounds quaint you may say, or depending on your religious persuasion too immoral and in your face. But that is her reality and the woman who calls herself a sex educator and preaches the gospel of sex is unapologetic about it. Here is how she started her message in an article that was republished by Black Doctor recently.

“Sleeping is one of my favorite activities and not just because of its rejuvenating qualities or its ability to give me a break from reality. Laying it down at night also gives me the opportunity to feel cool sheets on my bare skin.  Yes, I’m a naked sleeper and whenever I get the chance I ditch nightgowns and pajama pants for my birthday suit. We all enter into this world bare, so there must be some benefits to sleeping while in the buff. If you’re a naked sleeper or one that is curious about making the switch, here are a few benefits of sleeping naked that are sure to help you sleep even better,” she maintained.

Those living in the tropics can relate to this but not those in temperate regions where there is an ever constant need to cover and keep oneself one warm. But now virtually the whole globe is on a lockdown occasioned by the rampaging conoravirus, we can sit or sleep naked in the comfort of our rooms, depending on where and where you are reading this.

According to Tyomi, sleeping naked helps to get a good night sleep.  “A night of deep sleep is what every person desires, especially those that have demanding work schedules throughout the week. If improving your quality of sleep is a desire of yours, then sleeping naked is a simple solution,” she said.

She also said sleeping naked at night could help one reduce their belly size. Many may find this rather strange, especially potbellied men as well as plus-size women who have been exercising rigorously and have spent fortunes just to reduce their belly size. Is it that easy? you ask.

Tyomi went further to say that sleeping naked inspires sex and strengthen one’s immune system.. Many may not agree with this but if you read her article you will definitely be convinced.

And last but not the least, she said sleeping naked makes women’s body parts breathe. She advised women in this article not only to free themselves but also their body parts by sleeping naked.

These are very unorthodox ways of making huge capital from sleep, you may say. However the intriguing about her is that she backs up whatever she says with scientific research and study.

Read the article here.

Sleeping Naked: 4 Scientific Reasons Why It’s Healthy

Sleeping is one of my favorite activities and not just because of its rejuvenating qualities or its ability to give me a break from reality. Laying it down at night also gives me the opportunity to feel cool sheets on my bare skin.  Yes, I’m a naked sleeper and whenever I get the chance I ditch nightgowns and pajama pants for my birthday suit. We all enter into this world bare, so there must be some benefits to sleeping while in the buff. If you’re a naked sleeper or one that is curious about making the switch, here are a few benefits of sleeping naked that are sure to help you sleep even better.

1. You get a better quality of sleep.

A night of deep sleep is what every person desires, especially those that have demanding work schedules throughout the week. If improving your quality of sleep is a desire of yours, then sleeping naked is a simple solution. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, settling into a deep slumber causes your body temperature to drop naturally thanks to your Circadian Rhythm (ever get the chills when you become sleepy?).  Wearing pajamas to bed could have an effect on your body’s ability to fall into its natural cool down and has been linked to the cause of insomnia. So, strip down to your bare bottom and give your body the boost it needs to help you drift into the best sleep of your life.

2. You can reduce your belly size.

It may seem like an unconventional way to shrink inches around your midsection, but sleeping naked can help with burning fat while reducing cholesterol. According to Huffington Post, when the body cools down at night growth hormones increase while simultaneously decreasing levels of cortisol (the “stress hormone” linked with weight gain). Wearing PJs might disrupt the body’s natural cool down process and disrupt your natural sleep pattern. So if you want to burn calories while you snooze ditch the clothes and let your sheets caress your body for the evening.

3. No clothes equal more sex.

Nothing inspires sex more than two naked bodies cuddled together in between the sheets. Sex regulates hormones, treats depression, improves mood, sparks creativity and creates a bond between lovers. A study from Wilkes University in Pennsylvania also found that those who had sex one to times a week had stronger immune systems compared to those who had sex less infrequently. For the couple looking for simple ways to spice things up in the bedroom, sleeping naked together is simple, costs nothing and can turn into a fun experiences for both partner. Cut out the time it takes to undress and jump in the sack and prepare for a night of erotic fun after your nap.

4. Women, your lady parts get a chance to breathe.

Yes, I said your lady parts can breathe. The vagina is a dark, damp and warm environment that is a host for various organisms, including small traces of candida. This organism is actually the fungus commonly known as yeast and is responsible for yeast infections in its overgrowth. When the vagina is held captive by tight clothing or garments that aren’t breathable (polyester or synthetic pajama pants, panties or shorts) yeast can run rampant and cause that “uncomfortable feeling”.  My gynecologist Dr. Mary Lynn, DO at Loyola Medical Center suggested that I ditch the panties at night to allow my vagina to breathe and it was the best advice I ever put to use for my sexual health.  If you’re a woman who suffers from chronic yeast infections, going bare bottom at night at the least will help with the issue.  So go ahead and sleep naked. It’s healthy for your vagina.

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