By Funmi Peter-Omale/London
Some people out there are not getting the message. That this virus is like one our generation has never seen before. It’s not a gimmick, it’s not a joke and certainly not aimed at stifling certain sections of the society.
The Nigerian government and those in places of authority need to step up, to prevent the kind of pandemic going on in Italy, Iran, Spain and other places where their governments didn’t take firm measures to slow down the spread of Covid-19 quickly.
Nigeria is the most populated black country, and we have a tactile culture very similar to that of Italy. There’s absolutely a need now, to give firm orders on social distancing, partial lockdown and enforcing these through the security system.
And we the people, just keep at the back of our minds, that some people will never exhibit any symptoms at all. And yet, they’d be carriers and unconsciously spread to family, friends and others.
Covid-19 isn’t about how religious, rich or powerful you are. It is about how strong your immunity is. If perhaps you’d been a smoker in the past, have been diagnosed with any breathing sickness, or not diagnosed at all, you’re possibly immumo comprised.
People over the age of 60 upwards are particularly at the highest risk scale. Plus other sick people like those living with certain cancers, diabetes, high blood pressure, HIV, AIDS and so on. Some medications have been proven to lower people’s immune system.
Similarly, poor choices like food and drink habits could have comprised some peoples immunity.
Generally, science has proven that healthy children and young people may or may not display symptoms, they’d have it and get better without taking ordinary paracetamol!
Thus, the most important thing is to maintain social and physical distancing in public. Wash, wash and wash your hands as many times as possible. Avoid touching your face, mouth and eyes at all times.
Keep safe, keep well and keep others safe and well too. Don’t be selfish, senseless and irresponsible.
There are not enough testing kits anywhere in the world, there are not enough equipment, resources and medicines anywhere. Even in the UK, all shops have run out of paracetamol and other pain killers!
Covid-19 is so easy to spread, it super mutates (check it up in the dictionary if you don’t know what it means); and just one person can end up being a super spreader infecting dozens of others, including their own families and friends!
-Funmi Peter-Omale, journalist, writes from London
View Comments (2)
This is really gotten worse.
I just hope it doesn't get worse in Nigeria where we have leaders who are only ready to share money.
May God help us.
Totally agree. If only we could be less selfish. Think of the other person. Thank you for this