Tribunal dismisses suit filed by PDP, Satumari against Ndume


The Borno National and State Assembly Election Petitions Tribunal, sitting in Nyanya, on Monday dismissed a case filed by Malam Kudla Satumari of the PDP, challenging the election of Sen. Mohammed Ndume as winner of the Borno South Senatorial District.

Satumari, is challenging the declaration of Sen. Ndume, of All Progressive Congress (APC) as the winner of the Borno South Senatorial District poll on Feb. 23.

Joined as respondents in the petition are; the APC and INEC.

In the petition dated March 15, with a number, EPT/BO/SEN/1/2019 and made available to journalists, Satumari averred that the election was marred by corrupt practices and non-compliance with provisions of the Electoral Act.