Youths kill notorious criminal “One Man Squad” in Benue

File: The police on duty: Bandits kill 13 in Zamfara

File: Nigerian Police officers

Youths in Gboko Local Government Area of Benue, have reportedly killed a notorious criminal known as One Man Squad, who before his death allegedly terrorised Gboko community.

Spokesman of Benue Police Command, DSP.  Catherine Anene, confirmed the incident to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Saturday in a telephone in Makurdi.

She said that the incident took place on Friday evening in Gboko, but added that police was yet to properly identify him, his real name or place of origin.

One Man Squad, who operates alone, had allegedly  committed a lot of atrocities in the community and his death according to residents, will bring a big sigh of relief to them.

It was gathered that the victim before his death,  robbed all category of persons and businesses including roadside food sellers.

An eye witness of the mob action who preferred anonymity, told NAN that One Man Squad was “carrying out his usual armed robbery operation in Gboko town and upon sighting SARS, took to  his heels, but luck ran out on  him as the youths went after him and killed him.”

“He is called One Man Squad because he operates alone. He has caused so much damage and pain to so many Gboko people. His death is a big sigh of relief to all of us,” the eye witness said.