28-year-old bags 3 weeks imprisonment for stealing N40,000


A Karmo Grade 1 Area Court, Abuja, on Wednesday sentenced 28-year-old Anika Arinze, to three weeks imprisonment for stealing N40, 000.

The judge, Mr Inuwa Maiwada, however, gave the convict an option of N3, 000 fine, and warned him to be of good behaviour.

The convict, who resides at Jabi Motor Park, Abuja, had admitted committing the offence of joint act and theft and begged the court to temper justice with mercy.

He told the court that he did not know what came over him when he committed the crime.

Earlier, the prosecutor, Ijeoma Ukagha, had told the court that one Osita Nnagbogu, of same address with the convict, reported the matter at the Utako Police Station,Abuja, on Jan. 5.

Ukagha said the complainant said that on Jan. 3. the convict and one other person now at large, dishonestly went to his shop at Jabi and stole N40, 000 cash.

The prosecutor told the court that during police investigation, the convict confessed to committing the crime, and that they shared the money equally.

He used his own share to buy a cell phone, jeans trousers and T-shirt, which were recovered.

The offence, the prosecutor said, contravened the provisions of Sections 79 and 288 of the Penal Code.