Court orders remand of fake lawyer


An Area Court in Jos on Friday remanded Lawrence Abiola in Jos Prison till Dec. 14 for allegedly parading himself as a professional lawyer.

Abiola was arraigned in a Kabong Area Court, Jos for alleged impersonation, criminal conspiracy and theft.

According to Police First Information Report (FIR), one Bricks Martin of around Alama Private School, Jos, reported that Abiola collected money from him, but failed to do the job.

Martin had told the police that he was looking for somebody to draft a letter of administration in respect of his property.

He alleged that Abiola told him that he was a professional lawyer who can do the job.

The FIR said, ‘‘Subsequently he engaged him and paid him N130, 000 of which he used the money without doing the job.

‘‘He also converted a water reservoir and kerosene tank from the property amounting to N120, 000 and N110, 000 respectively.’’

The FIR indicated that the accused obtained a diploma in law from University of Jos in 2006.

He also holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree, English Language and Literature from Olabisi Onabanjo University in Ogun State with matriculation no: 0507929.

The FIR also showed that Abiola has an NYSC discharge certificate with no: A00234469.

After the report was read in court, Abiola pleaded not guilty to the charge.

His counsel, Mr F. T. Gwande, made an oral application for bail citing sections 312, 322, 323 and 36(6) of the 1999 constitution as amended.

Gwande argued that all that was read were mere allegations which had yet to be proven, adding that his client was entitled to bail and will not jump bail, if granted.

But the Prosecutor, Ezekiel Galadimma opposed the bail and submitted that due to the seriousness of the offence, the court should not grant bail to the accused.

Galadimma added that the bail application should come in a written form so as to be documented.

The Presiding Judge, Nanlong Dashe directed the defence counsel to make a formal application for bail.

Dashe remanded the accused in prison custody and adjourned hearing in the matter till Dec. 14.