Unlawful possession of live ammunition earns businessman 3 years in prison

Unlawful possession of live ammunition earns businessman 3 years in prison

Thursday, November 15, 2018 12:02 pm


An Upper Area Court 3 sitting in Kasuwan Nama in Jos on Thursday sentenced a 33-year-old businessman, Faruk Yusuf, to three years imprisonment for unlawful possession of live ammunition.

The Judge, Yahaya Mohammed, however, gave the convict an option to pay a fine of N25, 000.

Earlier, the prosecutor, Insp. Edwin Oche, told the court that the case was transferred from Plateau Central Police Area Command, Pankshin to the State Area Command.

The prosecutor told the court that a Police Constable, Augustine Mantur, suspected the accused during a routine search and conducted a search and found five live 7.9mm ammunition with no licence on him.

The prosecutor said that the offence contravened Section 27 (I) of the Firearms Act Cap of 2004

The convict, had earlier pleaded guilty to the offence.

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