Woman to stay 2 months in prison for insulting police officer


A Karmo Grade 1 Area Court in Abuja on Wednesday sentenced one Faith Kathy to two-month imprisonment for insulting a police officer.

The Judge, Inuwa Maiwada, however, gave the convict an option of N3, 000 fine and advised her to always be of good behaviour.

Kathy, who resides in Utako Village, Abuja, was convicted on a count charge of intentional insult.

The convict had admitted committing the offence and begged the court to temper justice with mercy as she did not know what came over her.

Earlier, the Prosecutor, Ijeoma Ukagha, had told the court that a team of police officers from the Utako Police Station in the FCT arrested and took the convict to the station for allegedly constituting a nuisance on Oct. 18.

She said that while at the station, the convict insulted the Divisional Crime Officer.

Ukagha said the offence contravened Section 155 of the Penal Code.