Priest tells Nigerians to pray for Buhari

President Buhari

A Catholic Priest, Rev. Fr Julian Ibe, has urged Christians and Nigerians to pray for President Muhammadu Buhari and political leaders for wisdom to overcome the challenges confronting the country.

The News Agency of Nigeria, NAN, reports that Ibe made the call in his homily at St Charles Lwanga Parish, Apo on Sunday in Abuja.

Ibe, a priest of Zaria Diocese, said Christians should learn to pray for their political and spiritual leaders instead of criticising them.

“Pray for the President, no matter how you feel about his performance because it is difficult to be a leader.

“Leaders at times are surrounded by sycophants and they do not know who is telling them the truth or not.

“Please, whenever you have the opportunity to work with politicians, make sure you tell the truth.

“Also, pray for your pastors that they will follow the example of Jesus, the Good Shepherd, instead of following their personal desires which lead them astray,’’ he said.

According to him, the fourth Sunday of Easter is called Good Shepherd Sunday.

Ibe said a good shepherd would risk and lay down his life in order to protect his sheep, adding that Jesus willingly sacrificed himself for the sake of his sheep.

He, however, urged leaders to emulate Jesus Christ and sacrifice for their followers and those under them.

“Leadership is for service; it is not to lord it over those under you. As husband, you are to serve your wife and children.

“If you are a wife and you are the bread winner; you are to submit to your husband.’’

In addition, he urged Christians not to discriminate against other religions, saying“ Jesus died for every single person and salvation is meant for all.

“I agree with the Acts of Apostles, chapter four verse 12, which says salvation is found in no one else except the name of Jesus Christ.

“Also, the book of Hebrew, chapter one verse one, says in the past, God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways.

“So, God is speaking to us today in various ways and that is why some of us are affiliated with Christ by baptism, some by character and some by actions.

“Those that are affiliated to Christ by their actions are saved because every good deed is affiliated with Christ, so we should not criticise anyone.

“When a traditional worshiper does a good deed, he is affiliated with Christ; he is an anonymous Christian.’’

He further said that it was a privilege to be Christians and to be saved through the name of Jesus Christ.