Group provides free medical services to 1m Nigerians

Group provides free medical services to 1m Nigerians

Monday, April 23, 2018 9:37 pm


Prof. Charles Adisa, National President, Nigeria Christian Graduate Fellowship, says more than 1,000,000 Nigerians have benefited from the group’s free medical outreach since its inception in 1975.
Adisa, a professor of Surgery and Surgical Oncologist, Abia State University Teaching Hospital, made this known on Monday in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Akwanga, Nasarawa State.
He said that the association was established with the aim of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to Christians and other Nigerians as well as rendering humanitarian services.
The don said that the free medical outreach was designed to assist poor Nigerians especially residents who do not have the means to access medical care in order to improve on their standard of living.
“We have experts; we have professionals in various fields and let me also disclose to you that our fellowship has conducted over 29 medical missions in Nigeria and eight medical missions outside Nigeria such as in Gambia, Tanzania and Guinea Bissau, among others.
“More than 100,000 people benefited from various communities that we have gone to in Nigeria.
“We have been to Akwa Ibom, Cross River, Enugu and Kogi, among other states, for free medical outreach.
“We have conducted over 500 surgeries in these various communities which include minor and major surgeries, eye surgery, eye cataract and women fibroid, among others.
“We came up with the free medical services in order to assist the needy by bringing healthcare services closer to the people and to improve on their health and standard of living for the overall development of the country,” he said.
The medical expert restated the commitment of the fellowship to continue to offer free medical services to Nigerians, noting that a healthy nation is a wealthy nation.
“The people of Akwanga within Nasarawa state will also benefit from these services,” he said.
The national president of the group called on Nigerians to continue to live in peace and tolerate one another irrespective of their affiliations.

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