*Dino Melaye: “Before reading the prepared speech of the committee, let me make this small remark on what we have just observed here in form of breach of protocols. Mr CG, rather than meeting us here at the conference room by way of courtesy, you were supposed to have met us at the ground floor on arrival into the premises.”
*Col. Ahmed Ali: “We have our own protocol as regards receiving visitors like you. I don’t need to come downstairs to receive you just as nobody in the Senate or House of Representatives has ever come out to receive us anytime we visit the National Assembly. Let me state clearly that in the Nigeria Customs Service we are servants of the people. We believe in Nigeria and working with others to make it great without being railroaded in anyway.”
• Verbal exchange between Col. Hammed Ali, CG, Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) and Senator Dino Melaye, Chairman, Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Waste in the Nigeria Customs Service at the Customs Headquarters, Abuja over protocol-related matters: