Kogi wants private sector involvement in tree planting

Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi State

The Kogi Government has urged private sector and individuals to participate in tree planting and waste management activities across the state.

The Commissioner for Environment and Natural Resources, Mrs Rosemary Osikoya, made the appeal on Wednesday when representatives of Kogi Coalition of Business and Professional Associations (KOCOBPA) visited her in Lokoja.

Osikoya said that the government wanted to partner with the business community, corporate organisations, volunteers, individuals, groups and religious bodies in waste management and afforestation activities.

She blamed the growing menace of flooding in the state on diminishing forests, as trees were supposed to serve as windbreaks, while their roots ought to hold the soil together to prevent erosion.

“For every single tree that is cut down, five trees must be planted as replacement; we are encouraging everyone to save a life by planting a tree. All model cities have a higher proportion of greens.

“It is exciting that the business community has indicated its interest to collaborate with the state government on sanitation, waste management and afforestation matters; we are, however, seeking more partners.

“We encourage people to teach their children to clean their environment and get rid of the refuse appropriately.

“It is our responsibility to ensure an effective management system for every waste we generate, while ensuring that our environment is safer for all to live,” she said.

Osikoya urged the residents to always come out and participate in environmental sanitation programmes, adding that they should clean their surroundings, cut grasses and clear blocked drainage or water channels during the monthly exercise.

Dr John Alabi, the Chairman of KOCOBPA, told News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) that their visit was to look into ways in which the association could partner with the state on environmental and waste management issues to promote sustainable development.

He said that main objective of the mission was to promote good business relations through a good environment, adding that the proposed partnership would be a win-win situation.

“Our vision is to serve as a strong and influential voice for creating a business-friendly environment for businessmen and professionals to operate.

“The commissioner has given us assurance that the government will partner with us because the issue of environment is everybody’s business; it is a shared responsibility and we will ensure the support of all our groups,’’ Alabi said.

NAN reports that KOCOBPA, a coalition of about 30 associations of businessmen and professionals in Kogi, was inaugurated in March 2011.