Boko Haram “fighter” says group plans to bomb Abuja

A Boko Haram bomber (file photo)

A man purporting to be a Boko Haram fighter said the Islamist militant group plans to bomb Nigeria’s capital, Abuja, in a video seen by Reuters on Saturday.

“More bombs attacks are on the way, including Abuja that you feel is secured,” said the man in the video which was obtained by Sahara Reporters, a U.S.-based journalism website, and Nigerian journalist Ahmad Salkida.

The man,  who identifies himself as Abu Dardaa, or Money, says Boko Haram is back in Sambisa Forest in the video which Reuters said it could not immediately verify.

The man claimed to be one of the five commanders that the Nigerian government freed in exchange for the 82 Chibok girls.

Nigerian military said in December that it had ousted Boko Haram from their Sambisa Forest stronghold in northeastern Borno state.

While the jihadists have lost significant swathes of territory since Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari came into power in 2015, they are still capable of launching deadly attacks on soldiers and continue to unleash suicide bombers in cities and camps for internally displaced people in Nigeria’s ravaged northeast.

Nigeria’s state security agency, the Department of State Services (DSS), in April said it had thwarted plans by Boko Haram militants linked to Islamic State to attack the British and U.S. embassies in Abuja.