Sultan: Bill on equality in inheritance against Islam

Sultan Abubakar

The Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa’ad Abubakar lll, on Tuesday said the bill before the senate seeking equality in inheritance was against Islamic religion and, therefore, unacceptable to Muslims.

The Sultan made the comments in Gusau at the closing ceremony of the 20th Zamfara State Annual Qur’anic Recitation Competition.

NAN reports that the bill is seeking equality for male and female children in the sharing of inherited family wealth or property.

The bill also proposes that a widow is entitled to the custody of her children unless it is contrary to the interests and welfare of the children.

The bill also seeks that a widow shall have the right to remarry any man of her choice and should have the right to a fair share in the inheritance of her late husband’s property and the right to live in her matrimonial house.

The Sultan said: “Our religion is our total way of life; therefore, we will not accept any move to change what Allah permitted us to do.

“Islam is a peaceful religion; we have been living peacefully with Christians and followers of other religions in this country. Therefore, we should be allowed to perform our religion effectively.’’

He called on the senate to not consider the bill because of its religious implications.

The Sultan however hailed the Federal Government and Nigerian Army for the capture of Sambisa Forest from Boko Haram terrorists.

Abubakar said that the capture of Sambisa Forest from Boko Haram was historic and a great success. “We are happy to hear this good news; we are, therefore, calling on the Nigerian Army not to relent in its efforts in fighting the activities of Boko Haram,” he said.

He called on Muslims to continue to pray for peaceful coexistence in the country, adding that they should cooperate with all the tiers of government to move the country forward.

The royal father called on political office holders to ensure fairness and transparency in implementing projects for the development of the people particularly at the grassroots.

In his remarks, the Zamfara Governor, Alhaji Abdulaziz Yari, gave the assurance that the state government would continue to support the Qur’anic recitation competition.Yari and that his wife, Asma’u, donated N500,000 to each male and female winner of the 7th category of the competition – recitation of the Qur’an with Tafsir.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the winners are Faisal Muhammad from Shinkafi Local Government Area and Subai’a Sa’idu from Gusau Local Government Area.

NAN also reports that the state government donated a car to each of the male and female winners.

Other prizes, including refrigerators, televisions, sewing machines and money were also given to winners of all the seven categories of the competition. (NAN)