India court jails Nigerian for cocaine, orders deportation

Indian police officers

A Nigerian has been jailed 32 months, with hard labour  by a New Delhi India court for possessing cocaine and illegally staying in India. He will be deported after serving his term.

Special Judge Shail Jain convicted 25-year-old Chuks Micheal, resident of Nigeria, under the Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act and the Foreigners Act but took a lenient view in sentencing, considering his young age and family circumstances.

The Times of India reported that an Indian accomplice, Sarabjit Singh was also held guilty under the NDPS Act in the same case. But he got a lenient sentence. Singh was awarded rigorous imprisonment for one month and and ten days, a period which he had already undergone, along with a fine of Rs 10,000.

Micheal was sentenced to two years and eight months for offence punishable under section 14 (remains in India for a period exceeding the period for which the visa was issued to him and violation of other relevant valid visa conditions) of the Foreigners Act.

“I am of the opinion that ends of justice will be served if convict Chuks Micheal is sentenced to undergo rigorous imprisonment for two years and eight months and fine of Rs 5,000,” the judge said.

The court also directed that Micheal be handed over to Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO) authorities for his deportation to Nigeria once he serves the jail term.

According to the prosecution, both Michael and Singh were found possessing small quantity of cocaine on July 3, 2013 near Majnu Ka Tila here.

During trial, both the accused claimed innocence and said they were falsely implicated. They, however, did not lead any evidence in defence.

While praying for leniency at the time of sentencing, Micheal submitted that he was young and had to look after his aged parents and two unmarried sisters.

*Reported by Times of India