Saraki urges Ooni-elect to work for national unity

Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi: The Ooni of Ife

Prince Adeyeye Ogunwusi: Ooni-elect

Senate President, Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki, on Monday congratulated the newly selected Ooni of Ife-designate, Prince Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi and advised him to concentrate on further solidifying the role of the Yoruba people in national unity.

Saraki in a statement by his Special Adviser (Media and Publicity), Yusuph Olaniyonu, wished the Ooni-elect a long and peaceful reign, sound health and many years of service to his people.

According to the Senate President, the Ooni-elect has so many things in common with the immediate past Ooni, which include but not limited to being widely travelled, exposed, versatile, well-informed and somebody devoted to community service.

He noted that the appointment of Prince Ogunwusi could not have come at a better time.

Saraki said: “I am particularly delighted that the approval of your appointment by the Governor of Osun State, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, came at a time when the youthful zest, experience, and knowledge of global best practices, which you possess in abundance are needed to move the traditional institution and most especially, the revered throne of the Ife Kingdom, to the next level.

“I have no doubt that your present assignment would greatly enhance the bond of unity that exists among the Yorubas as well as contribute immensely to the growth and development of our dear country.”

The Senate President assured the new monarch that the Senate, under his leadership, will continue to hold the traditional institution in high esteem, considering the role they play in ensuring peaceful coexistence among the people, promotion of worthy cultural values in the society and sustenance of national traditions.

He encouraged Oba-elect Ogunwusi to sustain the harmonious relationship between his subjects and other kingdoms around his domain as a way of building on the impeccable legacies of the late Oba Okunade Sijuwade of blessed memory.

The Senate President also enjoined the new Ooni of Ife not to see his ascension to the throne of his forefathers as a mere fulfilment of a life-long ambition but rather a divine opportunity to use his vast knowledge and royal wisdom to positively improve on the wellbeing and living standard of his immediate subjects as well as uplifting the glory of the Yoruba race across the continent.

Saraki said: “May your ascension to the throne of your forebears mark the beginning of a new era of prosperity, peace, development and progress for your immediate subjects, the Yoruba race and the entire nation. It is my prayer that the people of Ife and the entire Yorubaland would find in you a rallying point for unity, peace and progress just like they did during the time of your predecessors.”