Shittu Screened, Exonerates Self from Religious Fanaticism

Adebayo Shittu

Against speculations from unidentified sources that the ministerial nominee from Oyo State, Barrister Adebayo Shittu, might be dropped, he has been screened by the Senate.

Barrister Shittu who is a nominee from Oyo was the former Commissioner for Information, Culture and Tourism and Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice in the state.

In a short telephone interview before the exercise, Shittu said, “As I speak with you Mr. TheNews Magazine, I am in the National Assembly. I can assure you that very soon; I will be called in for screening. As a matter of fact, I will be the first to be screened. I believe strongly in God. It is God that makes and unmakes. If God says that I will be a minister in this country, I will be a minister.”

Shittu, in his address to the Senate on Boko Haram, said, “I am surprised that Northern leaders have been unfairly blamed that they are not speaking against Boko Haram. It is difficult for anybody that wants to live to comment on these faceless elements. If Boko Haram claims to be Muslims, what they are doing is not Islamic. It is wrong to kill anybody unjustly. It is wrong to kill anyone who has not been judicially tried and found guilty. If you are a Christian and you are visiting Babalawo, you are not a Christian and if you are a Muslim and you are killing, you are not a Muslim. I don’t want to say more than that because I still have a family to take care of and I still want to live.”

He said that if he eventually becomes a minister, he would bring all his experiences to bear in ensuring that the change the nation desires becomes a reality. He said that he would be loyal to and work with President Muhammadu Buhari to transform Nigeria for better as well as ensuring that the country occupies its prime position in the comity of nations.

Reacting to a question from a senator about being indicted to have caused religious crisis in Oyo state, he said that no panel has ever indicted him to have fuelled any religious crisis. “I have never been indicted of causing any religious crisis. There was a gazette about religious crisis in Oyo State in 2000 which I have, I was not among those invited. Secondly, I was not accused of anything. I have written seven standard books and many pamphlets describing Nigeria as a highly religious country. Every Friday, we see Muslims going to Mosques and every Sunday, we see Christians going to Church and we still find it very difficult to be committed to morality. I abide by the faith of morality. I urge Nigerians to be morally sound”.

The nominee who described himself as a bridge builder disclosed that he is not a fanatic and a regions bigot pointing out, “My secretary in my chamber is a Christian, a born again Christian, an SU (Scripture Union member; a term reserved for ascetic Christians) who does not wear jewellery. We have been working together for a very long time and she types all my documents. I enjoy working with her and we are like a family. If appointed, I will ensure unity among all sects in Nigeria. That is me.”

Shittu further promised that should the president make him the minister of Justice; he would ensure that the criminal administration act recently promulgated by the federal government is implemented to the last letter.

Among other things he spoke about are tourism and culture which he promised to promote adding that he would advocate the engagement of youths in the country. “The youths are our strength and we cannot afford to neglect them. I will continue to advocate for youths. I am very close to the youths and I love them all.”