Firm wants women drop handbag for a sassy stash

sassy stash

If the campaign by a firm in the UK works, women may soon do away with clumpy handbags and instead embrace the sassy stash. It’s a lace garter, with inbuilt pockets, and supposedly the fun, sexy, alternative to a handbag.

The sassy stash, which sells for about $35 online, can contain everything a woman needs on every outing: from her ID, debit or credit cards, to her lipgloss and mobile phone. Even her car and house keys can all be contained in the sassy stash.

Reminds one of the ‘agbekos'(underwears) worn by Yoruba women of old, that contained many pockets where they kept valuables.

Read more here; to the official website, the Sassy Stash Read more: