Nigerian Reps in show of shame, fighting breaks out

Nigerian Reps in the rowdy session today

Pandemonium has broken out in the House of Representatives as members exchanged blows, in manners that painted them as dishonourable.

The fight is over the rebellion ignited by Speaker Yakubu Dogara and his supporters over the rejection of the letter sent by the chairman of the All Progressives Congress, listing nominees for house posts.

Dogara declined to read the letter at the plenary yesterday, just like his counterpart, Senate President, Bukola Saraki.

Tension over the list led to a brawl among members, with some struggling to snatch the mace.

Seeds of today’s show of shame were planted on June 9, when at the inauguration of the National assembly, both Dogara and Saraki got themselves elected as presiding officers of the two chambers, in defiance of the APC, which supported two different candidates,

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  • It is truly a show of shame, these people are qualify to represent us, they shouted change, change, where is the change from what we have in the last regime.