PDP Coup: Ekweremadu emerges deputy senate president

Ekweremadu, middle, takes the oath. Left is Senator Saraki

Senator Ike Ekweremadu got the overwhelming nod of the 57 senators, that crowned Bukola Saraki(APC) as senate president, to emerge as deputy senate president.

Ekweremadu defeated Senator Ali Ndume(APC) from Borno State. Forty nine of the 57 senators that voted, were elected on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party, meaning that the ruling party with 59 senators, is sharing power in the chambers with the PDP with 49 members.

The Senator from Enugu state has held the position for the past eight years.

Fifty one APC senators boycotted the election, leading to the filling of the chambers with governors and members of the Peoples Democratic Party.

And there was a surfeit of backslapping and hugging by the PDP guests in the chambers after the controversial election.

*Updated: The reference to David Mark’s election as Senate leader deleted.