Former Prime Minister of Mauritius Navin Ramgoolam is set to be released on bail Saturday evening following a decision of court after a bail motion was heard on the same day.
The magistrate of the Bail and Remand Court in the capital Port- Louis gave a ruling granting bail to Ramgoolam for a surety of some 5000 euros.
His close friends are claiming that Ramgoolam is suffering from a political vendetta but police authorities in Mauritius insisted they had been enquiring and had never took any instructions from the government.
The arrest of Ramgoolam was initially in connection of an enquiry on a burglary in a bungalow of his. Police believed the former PM had lied in one of the statements and were ready to charge him for conspiracy.
But when police officers made a search in his house, they found millions in foreign currencies and charged him for money laundering offence, where 10 years of prison are provided by the Mauritian’s laws. Police want to know where such huge amounts of money came from.
A police officer told the court on Saturday that so far Ramgoolam had not said a single word on the accusations lodged against him.
The arrest of Ramgoolam on Friday in one of its offices in Port- Louis led to clashes between his supporters, those of the present government and police officers.
It is the first time that a former Mauritian PM stayed a night in a police cell.
Navin Ramgoolam was the Prime Minister of Mauritius for nine years which lasted on Dec. 10, 2014.