Record $33mln(200mln Yuan) found in a Chinese official's home

*Money in Chinese Yuan weighs more than 3 tonnes
*It would pile 200metres high, about 60 storeys
*Four counting machines break down

Wei Pengyuan: the coal official

Chinese Authorities have found 200 million Yuan (33 million dollars) in the home of an energy official, news reports said on Saturday.

The Supreme People’s Procuratorate Anti-Corruption Bureau’s Chief, Xu Jinhui said it is the country’s largest-ever cash seizure and will according to some calculations reach as high as 60 storeys if piled up.

The money was unearthed at the home of coal bureau Deputy Chief, Wei Pengyuan in a probe first revealed in May.

“If denominated in 100-yuan notes, it would pile 200 metres high and weigh more than three tonnes.

“There are some hidden rules among these people that do things after receiving money.

Wei Pengyuan’s loads of cash

“They do not even need to speak about it, they accept bribery together in a chain over the long term,’’ Xu said.

He said that four of the 16 cash-counting machines brought in to tally the notes broke down under the task.

“Wei is one of 11 National Energy Administration employees under investigation for alleged corruption.

“Six may have each received over tens of millions of Yuan in bribes, Xu said.

China has launched a high-profile campaign against corruption, considered endemic among the country’s many levels of officialdom.

Nigeria once experienced a government official turning his home into a bank in the aftermath of the 1983 December 31 coup by Muhammadu Buhari and co. It was found that then governor of Kano state, Barkin Zuwo, was really a banker, having turned his official home into a bank, keeping loads of cash.